Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What should I do and do you have any advice to help me ?

So my question before i kinda like this guy but like i said he has a gf

So just today I found out we had lockers kinda by each other so he said hi to me and came to my locker and before school we were walking around and talking and went to the lunch area in are high school and were talking about school and bowling cuz he bowls and he was like this a picture of my gf on his phone and hes like i have better one of her at home and like I said in the other question his girlfriend like got sent to florida and to go boarding and he can't talk to her until like after christmas or something so he doesn't know if hes breaking up with her or what. But in my other question like I said were going to Winter Formal together as friends still eventhough he has a gf

Any answers would be helpful

ThanksWhat should I do and do you have any advice to help me ?
If he has a GF then he is off limits. He is just playing with your emotions.

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