Monday, August 23, 2010

LGBT: When did you come out? Advice for me?

So I'm 14 years old, I'm a girl, and I'm bi. Both my parents are really homophobic, and I don't think I can come out to them. I want to though. I'm so tired of being in the closet. I can't ever express myself or talk about how I feel. Also, I don't think I can come out to my friends because I have some sisters that go to the same school as me. They could find out and tell my parents.

What should I do?

Thanks.LGBT: When did you come out? Advice for me?
I've got a mate like that, i came out at 14 myself but my experience might not be as useful, as for my mate she came out by accident as bi, well at school to her mates it was intentional but her brother has found out along with the school and if her brother ever wants sommat he blackmails her cos he knows her parents are homophobic, her Mum read her diary one day and read that she was bi in that and just blurts out homophobic comments now and is in denial, and at school she often gets bulliedLGBT: When did you come out? Advice for me?
I know you want to be free, but in your situation with so much against you, I wouldn't come out until 16 or 18ish....

And you also must have a place to stay if you think you are going to come out to them because they might not like it and send you packing.

14 is just too tender of an age (I'm sorry but it's true) for you to come out to homophobic parents and sisters that might tell daddy.

I don't know what else to say.

But since you asked, I'm 24 and came out when I was about 18 when I was working at Wal-Mart. But I had supportive friends who would encourage me to go to the gay %26amp; lesbian meetings at the college and my mother came around very soon after.
hey you juts take your time in coming out,or when you think the time is right then do it,and if ppl talk they talk and that they should juts get over it cuz life is way to short

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