I'm 13 until next month who just recently decided to become a vegetarian, too young for a job, can't support myself for food. I was one fore 3 days until one chicken dinner night. i ask them if all we have to eat is meat and they look at me like some psychotic sister clone. She's 17 with a job and grocery shops for vegan stuff. My mom sometimes buys her stuff. But me on the other hand they wouldn't give a ****. My old, older sisters would either think i'm brainwashed or a copycat but I NO LONGER WANT TO EAT MEAT. It's quite disgusting and bloody. I can't stand it and the treatment of animals are terrible. What should i do? i want a job so i can get my own food but i'm too young.Help me! I extremely need advice?!!...if you call yourself a vegetarian!?
I'm 13 and I have been a vegetarian for a few months now. I find it a very healthy choice, it has changed my life completely. I did have a hard time when consulting my parents. They thought it was a bad idea, but I was really passionate about becoming one and they finally approved.
It is a big decision and you really have to think about it. I cannot eat any meat now. I mean even if I wanted to I couldn't. It's very hard to reverse your decision. But I don't think I will ever go back to eating meat.
Since were at an age were we are growing and developing we need protein and iron for our bodies. I usually take two multivitamin tablets and a drink that contains vitamins each morning.
I usually also have food such as: eggs, milk, tofu, nuts, green leafy vegetables. These foods also contain protein and vitamins.
What I would do is tell your mother that you no longer want to eat meat.
Tell her that you are really passionate about becoming one.
You could say something like this: ';I respect animals to much to eat them';
If your sister works at a Vegan store than ask her what is required to become a vegetarian.
I hope my information helps you! and Good luck!Help me! I extremely need advice?!!...if you call yourself a vegetarian!?
If you no longer want to eat meat then all you need to do is refuse to eat it. Some people may not understand why you don't want to and this is the be expected. Some people WILL NOT understand no matter what you say or do. So try not to be suprised when they don't, Its inevitable.
However, if you stand firm on your beliefs, they will eventually realize that you are not a brainwashed copycat, but rather a quite intelligent person. Which may take a while, but when that while is over, the reasonable people will give you respect for standing up for what you believe in, even though they may not agree themselves.
What should you do? Simply refuse to eat it! Also, educate yourself on how healthy a diet it is and explain that to others whenever they criticize you for it.
You shouldnt have to buy your own food, I say that most meals have a vegetable or salad component to them, just eat that or if not make something up yourself, your family ought to have vegetables and the like in the house.
Show them you are serious with what is already bought for the household so they dont think that its just a fad.
You are too young to work, but you are way old not to know how to cook something simple like beans and rice, mac and cheese, a bean burrito or any other of the many food options I'm sure are available to you. If I was your mom and you expected me to cook only according to your wishes I would look at you like you were a psycho also.
You can't get a job. Your job is to go to school and become educated. Sometimes, if you really want to do something you have to demand it. Go on a food strike so that they know you mean business. When they realize you're serious, they will accept your demands because they care about you and your health. Learn to cook yourself and go with them shopping so that you can pick out what foods you can eat that isn't meat.
im 13 too and have been vegetarian for over 3 years now. They can't force feed you meat etc so just explain to them that you dont want to eat it, make them feel bad about eating meat if you have to. So what if your sisters think your copying them it shouldnt matter, you know your not copying them and thats all that matters. Tell them that if they let your sisters be vegetarian they should let you to. I hope everything goes okay for you and hope they let you be vegetarian, good luck.
I'm proud of your for choosing this compassionate decision at such a young age!
I think you have to lay it out to your family that you really are serious about this decision. Without the rotten mouth, ;). I think that when you gave into chicken dinner night, they didn't think you were serious about this decision.
Watch PETA's 'Meet Your Meat' video for a gruesome look at the meat industry and it could turn you off of meat for life. http://www.meat.org/
Go shopping with your parents. Buy veggies and legumes and things. Those things are mostly cheap enough that your parents won't mind putting them in the cart unless they are just being stubborn.
Do some of your own cooking! This is very important. If you want to eat your way, you have to be willing to do a little extra work. Maybe you can cook a side or a salad or something that can be shared with the whole family. Maybe you can work with your parents (or whomever cooks) in the kitchen so you can get a vegetarian version of whatever they are eating and it's no extra work for them.
And since your sister buys vegan stuff she will be a great source of information! Ask her how she stopped eating meat, how she got your family to accept her decision, any advice she has, etc.
you don't have to BUY you're own food.
just learn how to cook, get online' look for recipes and see what works best for you.
i doubt you're mom would object to you making you're own meals.
just as long as you don't leave a mess behind.';COUGH';
if you get a job, you will be treated like the poor animals you could've been eating for free.
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