Saturday, July 31, 2010

Im moving in University halls of residances tomorrow. If you could give one piece of advice what would it be?

Im a first year!

Im moving in University halls of residances tomorrow. If you could give one piece of advice what would it be?
Be considerate to your room mate and establish mutually agreed ground rules and boundaries. :0)Im moving in University halls of residances tomorrow. If you could give one piece of advice what would it be?
make friends with the residential assistant, it comes in handy when others are making too much noise, when you want to make noise and they can let you into all the odd rooms in the building. In my halls there was a room just filled with duvets, it made for a great party. We could also access the roof. Or you could become an RA yourself, you get paid just for being on duty, half the time you don't have to do anything.
Hope you have built up a high alcohol tolerance level.
Get your own room as soon as possible. I lived in residence halls three years and loved it, but I liked it a lot more the semesters when I had my own room. Dorm rooms are small anyway, and it is pretty hard to live in such cramped quarters with someone else, even someone you like. The two of you sometimes have different schedules, which makes sleeping difficult, and inevitably the other guy will sometimes leave his junk on your side of the room.

If you麓ve got to share a room, I just hope you find someone who is kind of like you: he likes to sleep as much or as little as you do, he is as messy or clean as you are, etc.

Have fun, though! It is a great time of life!

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