Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What advice would you give......?

well feel like crap...try to find friends on-line but all I get is insults and such...I know finding real friends in the real world would be best, but I have to take car of two disabled kids, my wife who is severely bi-polar--on meds but still has problems....just need someone tomake me feel good and laugh.What advice would you give......?
find happiness in small things : helping people in yahoo/answers.. hire a funny DVD series, watch some cartoons, get into a new CD, take your kids out to a cool adventure park, get your family out to the movies, go for walks and smell nature, learn to draw or paint, join a class of somesort (making friends in these classes is easy) - it could be an art class, self-defence class, guitar lessons. If you work maybe you could try be friendly and organise you and your mates to go to the pub some time. play some pool with your kid, make do with what you have, and be greatful you have a family =)

some people sit in their flats - without family, without friends, with nuthing.. and i think you should develope the relationships you do have, and be a good perosn in their lives =)

you could study philosophy, religion, polatics, read a book, play a card game, play chess with your wife, tell her shes beautiful. Just make sure to look after yourself and try to keep happy and you could very well attract good people.

im sorry to hear you are sad, i hope things start looking up! just remember it is YOU that can make you happy, and you can make others happy with your bright smile tooWhat advice would you give......?
...... chose carefully.... think twice before you trust.... better talk less than you feel like, when you don't know who the other person is.... If you finally meet the right people, you can nourish wonderful friendships. But you got to be careful mainly at the start.
Your adding the wrong type of people probably -_- people suck anyway :) try not to let it get the best of you
awww dont be sad go find a cookie montster!
awww :(
  • face blush
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