Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Obama heeds the advice of a top adviser in Afghanistan. What say you know, warmongers?

The 'top advice' from McCrystal was to send 40,000 troops immediately, so since Obama just refused all four of McCrystals scenarios, your statement is incorrect.

EDIT: How can anyone give this answer a thumbs down? Obama rejecting all four proposals took place yesterday and has been reported on every single news outlet around the world for the past 24 hours. You may not like it but it happened...FACT.Obama heeds the advice of a top adviser in Afghanistan. What say you know, warmongers?
Man why not let the guy be..Obama heeds the advice of a top adviser in Afghanistan. What say you know, warmongers?
what I say? I say it;s about time he listened they have only been talking to him about what they thought since june.It took him five months just to think about it. and we are not war mongers the democrats are just cowards.

He was just deciding what was more important our men or the drugs coming out of there and the money made off them.
What top adviser? It wasn't McCrystal.

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